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OIG3 (1).jfif




  1. Must have something to do with Ket

  2. No feline gore or pedo shit

  3. No stealing from others

  4. Named asset; no subassets

  5. Token must be locked and non-divisible 

  6. Token must have a minimum of 33 issuance (Be careful, if you set issuance at 33 you won't have one left for yourself after the required distribution).

  7. maximum issuance allowed is 333. The only exception to this rule is kettoken, which will have high issuance until a total of 333 accepted submissions have satisfied the entire collection. After this, kettoken's remaining supply will be destroyed at the original address.

  8. Attach an image to your token

  9. 400px wide and 560px tall OR 800px wide and 1120px tall. png, jpg, or gif

  10. max 5 MB file size


  1. Get the rules above 100% correct.

  2. Send 1 card to DSFfeBuBZ7fWrbSn3Lm6Na4YTP6nZe1p8Q. If approved, you must send 1 to each holder of KINGKET. cHECK HERE for accurate list of holders, and/or check Ket Coalition page-

  3. Wait for the Ket Coalition to judge your card. It may or may not get accepted.

  4. 5 successful entries will reward you with a series 1, card 1 kingket, while supplies last. One will remain at the original address. If no more KINGKETS are available, you'll receive 3 KETTOKENS as a reward.

  5. 5 rejected entries that show effort will reward you with 1 kettoken.

  6. After your first kettoken reward, the next one will be awarded after 10 submissions, AND THEN 25. (10/25 accepted or 10/25 rejected, not mixed). This can then be repeated until submissions close.

  7. If your art doesn't get accepted, it may have been too weak or shitty. Don't take it personally, try again and the ket coalition will be glad to judge each entry.

Suggested Themes-

If you're drawing a blank, here's some themes that King Ket favors. These themes are not required, suggestions only.

Offensive memes

Ancient Egypt

Ket's favorite number 3



Orange cat "oranging"


Sand Dunes
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